Webinar The role of SGLT2 inhibitors in cardiorenal protection: state of the art. (27/01/2022)

The aim of this webinar is to revisit latest evidence on secondary preventive effect of SGLT2 inhibitor drugs.

The key learning objectives will be;

  1. To discuss the cardioprotective effects of SGLT2 inhibitors in terms of heart failure.
  2. To discuss the effect of SGLT2 inhibitors on kidney function

Program /agenda

WelcomeLearning objectivesIntro/Bio SpeakersDr. Samuel Seidu, chair (U.K.)
 Heart failure and SGLT2 inhibitor therapy beyond the presence of diabetesDr. Xavier Garcia Moll (ES)
SGLT2 inhibitors and the kidney: matter of controversyDr.David Wheeler (UK)
Question and answersAll
