Practice: Fictional case study

Practice: Fictional case study

Enhance your knowledge on managing type 2 diabetes (T2D), obesity and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, by interacting with a set of fictional case study modules. Sponsored information from Novo Nordisk...
Early CKD Identification and Intervention in Primary Care

Early CKD Identification and Intervention in Primary Care

This quick guide aims to further clarify the ISN-KDIGO CKD Early Identification and Intervention booklet to allow easy, widespread adoption and prompt action around early identification and intervention of CKD in the primary care setting. Stay tuned as over the course...


Visit PCDECampus and access the courses: Enrolment is free. The management of CKD in primary care. A disease state approach to pharmacological management of type 2 diabetes in primary care Position Statement by Primary Care Diabetes...
Publication EUDF in Lancet

Publication EUDF in Lancet

Read the latest publication of EUDF on Diabetes registries and high-quality diabetes care in the Lancet Diabetes & EndocrinologyDiabetes registries and high-quality diabetes care – ScienceDirect